Sunday, June 26, 2016

July 2 Australian Federal Election: A referendum on same-sex marriage

One of the major news last 2014 was same-sex marriage. Then Prime Minister Tony Abbott was confronted by a Year 9 student from Newtown High School of the Performing Arts who was on a trip to Canberra, “Why are you so against legalising gay marriage?” For someone who has a sister, Christine Forster, who is in a same-sex relationship, you would think it would be easy for him to answer this question. PM Abbott is against same-sex marriage and so do most, if not all, of Liberal Party members.

Unlike BREXIT, the concept of equality such as same-sex marriage does not require an expensive $160 million referendum or plebiscite. If the Liberal Party stays true to its ‘liberal’ roots, liberal democracy should not support a referendum, instead this issue should be resolved by just changing the law, which Labor and Greens suggest. Now current PM Turnbull has a real challenge this July 2016 election. Forget Medicare, Gonski or housing affordability, the issue that will really define this election is same-sex marriage. And the Liberal Party has been delaying and are so far behind this issue for so long.

Australians are increasingly becoming in favour of same-sex marriage. Survey shows that 72% of Australians wants same-sex marriage legalised. And that survey was in 2014! PM Turnbull’s strategy to ignore this ‘elephant in the room’ may be his political defeat. Labor Senator Penny Wong, who is gay, thinks that Australia is ready for same-sex marriage, and added that a plebiscite will only allow LGBTQ haters to spout malicious and false claims such as that same sex couples harm children. Of course this myth had been debunked, but some Australians, and few Australian-Filipinos I know, are not keen on accepting this. For example, this religious bigot Cori Bernardi, author of the Conservative Revolution, made a hideous comment that gay marriage will be a slippery slope towards bestiality and polygamy, which is another false claim. If you haven’t noticed yet, the only group opposed to same-sex marriage is the religious group. This group made hating gays a career. Enter the Australian Sex Party, which made a video ridiculing the religious right on its’ dogmatic insistence to control weddings “so gays can’t say I do”. This political Party is not for fun, it was conceived as a “response to increasingly draconian censorship laws and escalating Government encroachment on adult’s civil liberties”.

We are living in the 21st century now yet sometimes it feels like we are still in 14th century Europe. I might as well remind Australian-Filipinos that Australia is a democracy and there is a constitutional basis (Preamble Section 116) for the separation of church and state. Your religious law to hate (or kill gays) only apply to your religion. So keep your religion to yourself. But we know this is next to impossible.

Australia votes July 2 and if marriage equality matters to you, then you know who to vote for. For sure, it’s not the Liberal Party, unless PM Turnbull suddenly makes a 180 degrees change in policy.